
Personal injury law suits represent the single largest threat to a home owner's and landlord's assets.

Compensation awards can exceed $1 million for head injuries or spinal cord injuries caused by falling from a ladder, slipping on stairs, and tripping over.

For this reason, it is essential for home owners and landlords to have Liability insurance cover as part of their Home Insurance / Landlord's Insurance policy.

The importance of having Liability insurance cover was recently highlighted in a decision of the Supreme Court of Tasmania. The court ordered the home owner (i.e. their insurer) to pay their roofer over $1.1 million in compensation for his severe head injuries because they owed him a duty of care for his safety while working on the roof.

Without Liability insurance, such an award would have been devastating for the home owner. They would have been forced to sell their home to pay the award, and face bankruptcy for the shortfall.

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